Manage your settings

Change display name

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. Select General. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  3. Under Profile, enter your new display name into the display name field. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  4. Finish by selecting Save. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Change profile picture

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select General. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Under Profile, click the profile picture on the right to upload a new profile picture. Select Remove to remove the profile picture. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  4. Finish by selecting Save. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Add and remove email addresses

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select General. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Under Email addresses, enter an email address into the email address field and select Add. Editor and Doctave Desktop App You will receive an email to the email address that you added.

  4. Follow the instructions provided in the email that you received. Then, return to Secure Messaging to click the Continue button. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  5. Enter your account password into the password field and select Continue. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

    To remove an email address, select Remove on the right side of the email address.

Change language settings

Change language

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. Select General. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  3. Under Language and region, open the drop-down menu and select your preferred language. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Enable and disable spell-check

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. Select General. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  3. Next to Spell check, Click the toggle to enable and disable spell-check. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Change the spell-check locale

  1. Open the drop-down menu and select a locale that you want to spell-check.

  2. Click Add. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

    To remove a locale, select Remove.

Customize your appearance

NOTE. Changes in the appearance settings apply only to the current device.

Change theme

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Appearance. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Under Theme, select your preferred theme from the following options:

    • Match system theme. Use the same theme as in your operating system.
    • Light theme. Use the application with a light background.
    • Dark theme. Use the application with a dark background.

    Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Change message layout

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Appearance. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Under Message layout, select your preferred message layout from the following options:

    • IRC (Experimental)
    • Modern
    • Message bubbles

    Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Font size

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Appearance. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Under Font size, use the slide button to decrease and increase the font size.

    Alternatively, you can type in the preferred font size. Select the Use custom size option and enter the font size into the font size field.

    Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Change notification settings

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. Select Notifications. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

You can change the following notification settings:

  • Enable notifications. Default setting: on.
  • Enable desktop notifications. Default setting: on.
  • Show message preview in desktop notification. Default setting: on.
  • Enable notification sounds. Default setting: on.

I want to be modified for

  • All messages. Default setting: on.
  • People, Mentions and Keywords. Default setting: on.
  • Mentions and Keywords only. Default setting: on.

Play a sound for

  • People. Default setting: on.
  • Mentions and Keywords. Default setting: on.
  • Audio and Video calls. Default setting: on.
  • Invited to a room. Default setting: on.
  • New room activity, upgrades and status messages occur. Default setting: on.
  • Messages sent by bots. Default setting: off.

Show a badge with count

  • When someone mentions using @room. Default setting: on.
  • When someone mentions using @displayname or @[your-user-name] Default setting: on.
  • When someone uses a keyword. Default setting: on. Enter a keyword into the Keyword field and select Add.

Reset to default settings

To reset your notification settings:

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Notifications. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Scroll down to Quick Actions and select Reset to default settings.

    Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Change preferences

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. Select Preferences. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

You can change the following preferences:


  • Show all rooms in Home. Default setting: off.

Displaying time

  • Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm). Default setting: off
  • Always show message timestamps. Default setting: off


  • Send read receipts. Default setting: on
  • Send typing notifications. Default setting: on


  • Enable Emoji suggestions while typing. Default setting: on
  • Use Ctrl + Enter to send a message. Default setting: off
  • Surround selected text when typing special characters. Default setting: off

Code blocks

  • Enable automatic language detection for syntax highlighting. Default setting: on
  • Expand code blocks by default. Default setting: off
  • Show line numbers in code blocks. Default setting: on

Images, GIFs and videos

  • Enable inline URL previews by default. Default setting: on
  • Autoplay videos. Default setting: off
  • Show previews/thumbnails for images. Default setting: on


  • Show chat effects (animations when receiving e.g. confetti). Default setting: on

  • Jump to the bottom of the timeline when you send a message. Default setting: on

  • Show current profile picture and name for users in message history. Default setting: off

Modify the sidebar

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Sidebar. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Select the spaces that you want to show in your sidebar.

    Home is always shown in the sidebar. In addition to Home, you can show the following spaces:

    • Show all rooms. Show all your rooms in Home, even if they're in a space. Default setting: off.
    • Favorites. Group all your favourite rooms and people in one place. Default setting: off.
    • Direct messages. Group all your people in one place. Default setting: off.
    • Rooms outside a space. Group all your rooms that aren't part of a space in one place. Default setting: off.

Change voice and video settings

Change voice settings

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. Select Voice & Video. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Under Voice settings, you can change the following voice settings:

  • Audio output. Open the drop-down menu to change the audio output.
  • Microphone. Open the drop-down menu to change the microphone.
  • Automatically adjust the microphone volume. Default setting: on
  • Noise suppression. Default setting: on

Change video settings

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. Select Voice & Video. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Under Video settings, you can change the following video settings:

  • Camera. Open the drop-down menu to change the camera.

  • Mirror local video feed. Default setting: on

Change security and privacy settings

Restore secure backup

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Security & Privacy. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Under Encryption and Secure Backup, select Restore Conversation Backup. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  4. Click OK. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Change your access code

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Security & Privacy. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Under Encryption and Secure Backup, select Change your Access Code. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  4. Enter your new access code and select Continue. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  5. Confirm the new access code and select Continue. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Enable/disable sending encrypted messages to unverified devices

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Security & Privacy. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Under Advanced and Secure Options, click the toggle to enable or disable sending encrypted messages to unverified devices from this device. The default setting: off. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

View ignored users

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Security & Privacy. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Under Advanced and Ignored users, view the list of users that you have ignored on Secure Messaging. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Manually verify all remote devices

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Security & Privacy. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Under Advanced and Encryption, click the toggle to the on position to manually verify each device to mark it as trusted, not trusting cross-signed devies. The default setting is off. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Secure Messaging devices

View devices

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Devices. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Open the drop-down menu to select the devices that you want to view. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

    You can select from the following options:

    • All. All devices.
    • Verified. Devices that are ready for secure messaging.
    • Unverified. Devices that are not ready for secure messaging.
    • Inactive. Devices that have been inactive for 90 days or longer.

    View device details by clicking the > icon next to the device. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Rename a device

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Devices. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Under All devices, click the > icon next to the device that you want to rename. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  4. Select Rename. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  5. Enter the new name into the text field and finish by selecting Save. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Enable and disable push notifications

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. Select Devices. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  3. Under All devices, click the > icon next to the session that you want to modify. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  4. Click the toggle next to Push notifications to enable or disable push notifications. The push notifications are enabled by default. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Sign out of a device

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Devices. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Click the three dots next to your device and select Sign out or Sign out of all other devices. You can view all other devices below. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

    Alternatively, you can sign out of a device by clicking the > icon next to a device and selecting Sign out of this device. Editor and Doctave Desktop App Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Test out new Secure Messaging features

Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. If you feel experimental, you can even try out some of the latest ideas in development.

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. Select Labs. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Request help

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. Select Help & About. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  3. Under FAQ, follow the link for more instructions. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Check for updates

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. Select Help & About. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  3. Under Versions, click Check for update.

View version information

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Help & About. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

    The current Secure Messaging version can be found under Versions. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

View privacy and cookie policies

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. Select Help & About. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  3. Under Legal, follow the links for more information. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

View server information

  1. Navigate to the side bar and click your profile. Select Settings. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Help & About. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

    The homeserver and identity servers can be found under Advanced.

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