
Do I need an email address to register?

It depends on the administrator of the server whether or not you need an email address to create an SalaX Secure Messaging account. For more information, contact your administrator.

What is a username? Why do I need?

The username is used to create an ID, which allows to distinguish you from other users with the same display name. It will also allow us to keep your email confidential.If your organisation uses SSO, your user id will be created automatically when you first login.

Why do I need an access code?

Because SalaX Secure Messaging uses end-to-end encryption, you need an access code to decrypt old conversations when you sign in from different devices.

It is important to set a strong access code and save it in, for example, a password manager. If you forget your access code and sign out from all your verified devices, you will lose your conversations as no third party can intercept your encryption keys.


How do I know if a message was read?

The users that have read a message are displayed on the right side of the message. Hover your mouse over the profile picture (or click on it on the mobile app) to view the users that have read the message.

End-to-end encryption

What is encryption?

Encryption means scrambling data, such as files and messages, so that only authorized recipients can unscramble them. This is to protect data from being stolen or changed by unauthorized third parties.

What is end-to-end encryption?

End-to-end encryption means that your files and messages are encrypted (i.e. protected) during the transfer from one device to another. They are only ever decrypted on the recipient's device. This is to prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing your messages.

What is a "device"?

In SalaX Secure Messaging, "device" does not mean your mobile phone or laptop, but your SalaX Secure Messaging session. A new "device" is created every time you sign in to SalaX Secure Messaging and destroyed when you sign out.

What does it mean to verify a device?

Cross-signed device verification is used to verify the identity of the conversation participants and their devices.

In SalaX Secure Messaging, you can see every device that has joined an encrypted conversation. If a new device joins, you can use device verification to make sure that the device belongs to a right person.

What does the green symbol mean?

A green symbol at the top of an encrypted room means that you have verified all devices in that room.

What does the grey symbol mean?

A grey symbol at the top of an encrypted room means that there are one or more devices in that room that you have not verified.


On which platforms can I use SalaX Secure Messaging?

SalaX Secure Messaging is available as a:

  • Desktop application for Windows, Linux, and macOS

  • Web application

  • Mobile application for Android and iOS devices.

What are the hardware and software requirements of SalaX Secure Messaging?


  • Windows, Linux, or macOS
  • Both Arm and Intel processors are supported.
  • The minimum recommended RAM is 4 GB.


  • iOS Ipads with IpadOS 14 or later.
  • Android tablets with Android 10 or later.


  • iPhones with iOS 14 or later
  • Android devices with Android 10 or later. TIP: Fast CPU improves the video call quality.


Android and desktop
  • Chrome: 72 or later
  • Firefox: 68 or later
  • Safari: 14 or later
  • Edge: 79 or later
iOS and iPads
  • Safari: 14.3 or later

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